Dear NS Customer Service,
I hope you are doing well.
I arrived in Groningen on February 2nd, 2024, and on my first bus trip on February 3rd from Zuiderdiep station, I asked the driver how to buy a ticket. I initially wanted to pay in cash, but he informed me that tickets could only be purchased by card. Since I did not yet have a Dutch bank account, I used my Turkish credit card. The driver printed a ticket for me but never mentioned that I needed to check out when leaving the bus.
Since no one informed me of this, I unknowingly failed to check out and was charged €4 per trip instead of the correct fare. Additionally, except for my first trip, the drivers never provided printed tickets after I paid with my credit card. It was only on February 7th and 8th, when a friend explained the system to me, that I realized the issue.
Upon reviewing my credit card transactions, I noticed I was overcharged for several trips. The most concerning instance was on February 6th, when I was charged more than €8 for a single trip.
Could you please advise how I can apply for a refund or request reimbursement for this overpayment? Additionally, I would like to ask if there is a cheaper way to travel by bus, as paying with my Turkish credit card is quite expensive due to exchange rate differences. Is it possible to purchase bus tickets with cash?
I appreciate your assistance and look forward to your response.
Best regards,
P.S: I do not know Dutch so please answer in English:)