
problem with invoice payment - email NS

  • 5 October 2023
  • 1 reactie
  • 68 Bekeken


I paid a late invoice with Revolut to the NS and I sent them the reference number of the invoice.

Now they sent me another email telling me that I didn’t pay and they sent me another reference number but I already paid. I’m trying to contact with an agent through the NS chat but nobody answers and I don’t find any email where I can send the proof of payment. 

What should I do? Maybe going to an info point? 


Beste antwoord door Tochjo 5 October 2023, 09:20

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1 reactie

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This community is meant as a place where travellers can be helped by other travellers. We are not NS employees, do not have access to customer data and cannot help you with this situation, unfortunately.

You should contact customer service directly to speak to an NS employee about this. This can be done by phone; they are available 24/7 at 030-751 51 55 or by chat, but you could also send a message on X (formerly Twitter) or Facebook. It might be easier to use X/Twitter or Facebook, since you can send a copy of your payment details and don’t have to wait for an instant reply. NS doesn't communicate via email.
