
Change Subscription

  • 13 April 2021
  • 1 reactie
  • 291 Bekeken

  • Op het juiste spoor
  • 0 reacties

Hi. I had “NS Flex Weekend Vrij” and at 12/4 I changed it to “NS Flex without subscription”. In the invoice it seems that this “NS Flex Weekend Vrij” would be valid from 9/4 till 8/5. Though, I made a trip at 10/4 (Saturday). Would I have to pay extra for this specific trip because of cancelling the “NS Flex Weekend Vrij”, even if the cancelling was after the trip?


Beste antwoord door Robert B 14 April 2021, 00:19

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Welcome to the NS Community!

Any change in NS Flex is effective immediately. Any check-in after a switch will be billed based upon the new subscription.

So if you switched from Weekend Vrij to Basic (without subscription) on 12/4, a trip for 10/4 (a Saturday) will be billed as Weekend Vrij.

Your monthly invoice (apparently yours comes on the 9th of the month) will show a part of Weekend Vrij until the 12th, and a part from the 12th until the next monthly date.

This is normal. See page 2 of your latest invoice for any billed travel costs.
