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How to cancel your subscription from abroad

  • 2 September 2015
  • 262 reacties
  • 33211 Bekeken

*Last updated: October 5, 2021*

A regular cancellation of an NS subscription needs to be completed at a ticket machine. When you live abroad, an alternative option is available.

Cancel your OV-chipcard
1. Register here. This registration is in Dutch. Fill in a username, your mail address and a password.
2. Report your card as lost or stolen here. Do not ask for a replacement of the card.

Cancel your subscription
2-3 days after cancellation of the card, please contact NS Customer service via Social Media (Facebook/Twitter), Live Chat or by phone (0031 30 75 15 250). Our Customer Service will then be able to completely cancel NS Flex for you.

Keep in mind that if you received a reminder of payment, you do need to pay the subscription fee. After cancellation, a refund of the remaining months will be transferred.

Extra information
- Lost your card? Please contact OV-chipcard through this page.

262 reacties

Hello, I want to cancel my car, but I can not add the card into the system because I dont know when this expires.
Badge +3
The expiration date is written on the card.
I lost the card
I am trying to cancel my card from abroad and it does not work. Customer service never picks up the phone!
@Manuel: please contact OV-chipcard (@OVchipkaart or
@Lisa: you can also contact us through Twitter.
Dear Ns,

I have been trying to terminate the contract for 2 years now. i have blocked my OV (reported lost/stolen) however i couldnt reach NS call center since i m living abroad. I sent an email to aboutt his but i never received any response.

Also i dont have twitter account. Is there any other way for me to contact ns to email the proof my OV cancellation.

Thank you.
I am sorry to hear that you never got a response. Can you give me the number of your contract? It is written in your e-mail ('Referentienummer').
For completion you can add the Live Chat option to OP for contact possibilities which might be easier for most customers as telephone can be very expensive. And maybe Facebook.

Or are those not allowed ?
I am sorry to hear that you never got a response. Can you give me the number of your contract? It is written in your e-mail ('Referentienummer').

Sorry for the late reply,

My Referentienummer:

I really hope that you will be able to solve this. really appreciate it!
thank you and looking forward to be hearing from you.
Hello, I got an email about my subscription being renewed in November. I didn’t know that because a Dutch friend helped me set it up and dealt with most of it. I registered my OV card on the website and tried to cancel it but it wants a Dutch bank account to refund the money. I don’t have one because I was a student and cancelled my student bank account before I left the country. Can I use a friend’s bank account even though the names on the OV and the bank account are different? I am also worried I will have a problem with my bank because I already received a payment reminder.

Another thing is that I don’t use twitter and I can’t call customer service after I cancel the card because of my phone plan. Can you help with that?

I am sorry for the situation, I was not aware of these things.
Im having the same struggle as everyone above. I tried to register on the link you posted but in order to de-activate the ov kaart I first have to register it. For that I need to know the einddatum, which I dont know since i dont own this kaart anymore. My referentienummer is 10617352.
@Asesari: there is not subscription in that number. Could you send me your card number through a private message (click on my name and Stuur bericht)?
@Ik13579: you can cancel your subscription per Facebook, Live Chat or per letter, and mention you wish to have the refund transferred to a diffferent bank account number. Keep in mind that Live Chat can be busy at some times.
@Wibke: please contact ( or 0900-0980) and ask them to either give you the information, or to cancel the card immediately.
What if I don't want to cancel the card or give it to anyone else? I am going to return to the netherlands frequently, but do not need the discount (Dal Voordeel) any longer. The card is valid until 2019 so it would be nice to be able to continue using it. I also received an email for the automatic payment, but also because I don't have an account in a Dutch bank anymore, it will not work. So would it cancel itself automatically then?
Then I advise you to wait until you return to cancel the subscription, or to ask a friend to do this for you, and to give you the card back when you come back to The Netherlands.

If you do not have a Dutch bank account, NS will try to take the money from the account, which will fail. We will then send you an invoice. Your contract will only be cancelled if requested by you.

I have also been trying to cancel my subscriptions for 2 years now. Customer service never ever picks up even though i called more than 20 times.

I have my referentienumber. Who do i need to send it to?

I really hope that you can help me. I don't fancy paying one more year for a service i don't use.
You can also contact us per mail, Twitter, Facebook or Live Chat (if available).
Dear NS,

I have the following problem currently with my subscription for OV chipcard:

I had a subscription for OV Chipcard when I was a student in NL for 1 year in 2011-2012. I have left the country in July 2012 after my studies came to an end and eversince then I have not used my subscription. However, it seems I had to cancel my subscription explicitly in order not to incur any debts and I did not know that. Now I have been contacted by the NS asking me to pay for all the years from 2012 till Oct 2015 (which is quite a big amount). NS has cancelled my subscription finally from 1 OCT 2015 after I wrote them back.

My request to you is to please try to help me resolve this situation where I need to pay for 3 years of subscription which I never used. You can actually check that the OV chipcard was never used after July 2012 when I left the country. What is more, I have deregistered from the City Hall in NL upon my leave in 2012 and I thought that this is all I need to do.

Thank you!

Kind regards,
Hi Svetlana.

I can understand you feel bad about those years, since you did not use the product on the card. The reason NS cannot give you the costs of these years back (or cancel the payment for these years), is because we informed you in time about the renewal of the contract: around six weeks before renewal an e-mail was sent to announce the renewal of the subscription, and on the date of the renewal, a confirmation was send.

What you can do, is to submit an objection to NS.
Hi Sivan,

The thing is, that all emails I get are in Dutch and I do not speak or undertand Dutch. At that time I did not make much of them. What is more, NS can prove that I never used the card in fact and hopefully this will help my case.

Could you please let me know how to send an objection?

Thank you!
I understand, but you purchased this contract and accepted our terms and conditions. You could have the e-mails translated by a friend or through Google.
You as the owner and (previous) user of the subscription are also responsible for canceling the subscription in time.

You can send the objection to:
NS Klantenservice
Postbus 2372
3500 GJ Utrecht
Hi Sivan,

Thank for your assistance and help!

I appreciate it!

You're welcome, Svetlana. Good luck!
Good afternoon,

I have the same problem shown by other users. I tried to call the suggested number but I cannot reach them. I don´t have twitter and I´m not sure which Facebook page/group I should contact.

I was in the Netherlands until last Christmas and before I left I made sure that I cancelled my OV-chipkaart subscription properly, sending them my card with an account cancellation form by post. I thought everything would be fine but now I received an e-mail warning me about the renewal of my subscription unless I contact NS for cancellation. I even remember giving a friend's Dutch bank account in order to transfer the money that was left in the card and my friend told me that she received the money shortly after my request was made.

So, I really don´t understand what´s going on here. I´ve heard about other similar cases and I think that NS is treating many ex-customers like crap for no reason. Sivan NS, please don´t tell me that it´s our fault because we didn´t cancel the contract on time or so on, because it´s not true for most cases. And even so, NS is making it almost impossible for us to cancel our subscription.

I would appreciate any help and guidance with this issue.

Referentienummer: 3422822
OV-chipkaart nummer: ****

@AdroniNS: There is a difference between terminating the card itself and terminating the subscription that is placed on your card. It seems that you have only sent your card in by post and received a refund of the remaining balance. Before you terminate your OV-chipkaart, you need to make sure that all travel products are removed from the card. These two steps are explained here. If you did not perform step 1, you can still do this by calling NS Customer Service by phone (030-751 51 55). You can also chat with us (click on 'live chat' to start a conversation) or send us a message via Twitter or Facebook.

@AdroniNS: There is a difference between terminating the card itself and terminating the subscription that is placed on your card. It seems that you have only sent your card in by post and received a refund of the remaining balance. Before you terminate your OV-chipkaart, you need to make sure that all travel products are removed from the card. These two steps are explained here. If you did not perform step 1, you can still do this by calling NS Customer Service by phone (030-751 51 55). You can also chat with us (click on 'live chat' to start a conversation) or send us a message via Twitter or Facebook.


Thanks, Inge. I used the chat and they provided quick and efficient help. I would recommend the live chat to all people that live abroad the Netherlands. The phone option seems not to be working and the Eva system won´t recognize your phone number unless it´s Dutch.

